out of time… still trying to finish Funeral Padme

Wow, I have completely run out of time.
I did one more dip in the dye for the cloak this morning, but its the last one I have time for before we leave tomorrow. I’m still not happy with the colour. It’s still not dark enough, too bright. I don’t think I have time to put the sequins on the cape, either. All of that will have to wait until after this weekend.
Tonight I will finish the collar and get it hopefully sequinned and attachd, and attach my streamers of sequins. maybe tomorrow, if I have time before chase gets home to leave for the con, I can get a few sequins on it.

Right now it’s drying in the backyard, and I am blue. Like, literally. My hands, feet and legs are blue, especially the bottoms of my feet (I didn’t want to get dye on any of my flipflops – and yes, I wore gloves today, but for about 2 minutes last night while painting with the dye, I didn’t.). Why do I always leave the dyeing until last minute? Seems I’m always going to a con with dye under my fingernails. I got the worst of it off after a lot of scrubbing, but there are still faint blue patches all over. Between taking another shower tonight and another tomorrow, hopefully there won’t be much left.